The day of delivery my darling girl

We had not have time to blog about my girl birth as we are so busy, but heres what is recorded in our book.

0900 - Waiting for Gynae, Dr Joycelyn Wong to insert induce medication, but wait and wait with my cervix being monitored.
0945 - Dr Joycelyn say I am already having contraction, dilated 3cm, as me to go home and come back to prepare for delivery...
1000 - Went home to shower, try to pass motion, pack our bags, Terence pack his laptop haha.
1045 - Still went to take breakfast haha, Terence thinks he has the whole day, kpo hawker at work and eat his carrot cake slowly.
1130 - Went home again to take our record book, post letters, just take our own sweet time.
1230 - Admission, empty bowel with medicine inserted into my ass... oh man.
1500 - Contraction started. A woman opposite me is screaming in pain, oh man.. haha.
1545 - Dr Joycelyn said dilation only 4cm, need to induce in the end... she say hopefully can deliver at midnight.
1830 - Dilation 4.5cm, damn slow, and I requested for Epidural, the contraction is so strong, come and go, like super cramps.
1845 - Epidural done by lousy anesthetist, i should find out his name next time. Terence noted on book - scream very loud...
2030 - 5cm dilated
2236 - 9cm dilated, and Terence was so happy, thinking delivery will be soon...
2300 - Terence fell asleep and nothing is recorded haha, I was too exhausted, the epidural make me lose all sensation from waist down, I could not even lift my feet.

Midnight came and Dr Joycelyn check on me again, oh dear it is so slow, and I told her i felt nothing at all. She seems shocked that I am not feeling any contraction. So she reduce the epidural from 10 to 3 (stupid anesthetist think I low tolerance of pain just because he did a bad job, jabbing me during contraction, of cos i scream lah). I think the strong anesthetic make me feel nothing thus slow down the contraction. Imagine I only need bar 3, I actually can quite tolerate the contraction.

About 1am to 3am, I was ask to push and push at intervals, I think the midwife worried I will lose all energy and had to let me rest in between.

Near to 3:30am, Dr Joycelyn was talking softly to midwife, apparently baby head turn upwards due to stress, so I am going to have a difficult time pushing. She say she may use assisted deliver - suction or forceps to help me if need to, she say I am actually pushing very well and correctly, just that the head facing upwards make it so difficult.

3:46am, I push and I push and when I almost wanna give up, my girl was pushed out with all my might. Of cause, the Gynae had no mercy to my vagina, the baby is their concerns, I can understand, too long in the womb without amniotic fluid is dangerous. No suction no forceps used. I am really stronger than I thought. Baby poo in womb and need to suck out the shit from her stomach to prevent infection, so poor thing.

1st word to my baby "I'm Sorry." Sorry to stress you inside, sorry to not relax myself during pregnancy, sorry for the long wait, I hope you find the wait to come to this world and become our daughter is worth it, just how daddy and mommy feel the 9months of wait is so worth it. All my pain, heart burn, tiredness, money spend are all worth it, because you are priceless.

This is love, we love you.

The final notice for delivery

3rd December 2009,

I foresee today is the last check up as I am feeling quite tired.
Sure enough my amniotic fluid is drying up and was told to come back on 05 Dec to induce.
Oh man, I am panicking, Terence cannot believe its happen!
I am going to eat whatever I feel like because confinement and breastfeeding will probably hinder me from eating certain food.

Counting down.