Mothers who are giving birth at Thomson Medical centre are strongly advice to sign up for FBI membership as you entitle to many benefits from TMC in future. Do remember to sign up before your OSCAR scan as they will be a 10% discount from the bill.

For more information of FBI, you may visit here.
To download FBI application form, you may get it from here.

The 11th Week - OSCAR

This scan was done after my OSCAR, Dr Joycely Wong say " I wanna see too", so she did a free ultra scan to see the progress herself. I didn't know it is free till I see the bill later.

Quite exciting to see how the little peanut now look more like a baby, I can actually see its hands. And it keep bouncing, Terence was all smile to see the bouncing.

I was still having bad nausea and throwing up. Twice, the migrain is so bad, I threw up all my dinner. Wow, 13rd July, 10 more days, I'll see my baby again. Mix feeling, happy but worried. I hope no problem with my detail scan (20th weeks).

The 8th weeks

2nd Month into my pregnancy, I did nothing but sleep most of the time. My 1st trimester is so terrible, bad morning sickness that I can throw up morning when I wake up, and at night before I sleep. But I will sleep about 11pm, which is so rare for me. I used to sleep like 1am or sometimes 2am. I think Terence had a great time, because he has a lot of free time at night, and his Evony game got tremendous level up during my 1st trimester...

I hate vegetables & fish now, which I used to love, even the sight of raw Salmon at Supermarket will make me nauseous.

Baby - 8 weeks old