The day of delivery my darling girl

We had not have time to blog about my girl birth as we are so busy, but heres what is recorded in our book.

0900 - Waiting for Gynae, Dr Joycelyn Wong to insert induce medication, but wait and wait with my cervix being monitored.
0945 - Dr Joycelyn say I am already having contraction, dilated 3cm, as me to go home and come back to prepare for delivery...
1000 - Went home to shower, try to pass motion, pack our bags, Terence pack his laptop haha.
1045 - Still went to take breakfast haha, Terence thinks he has the whole day, kpo hawker at work and eat his carrot cake slowly.
1130 - Went home again to take our record book, post letters, just take our own sweet time.
1230 - Admission, empty bowel with medicine inserted into my ass... oh man.
1500 - Contraction started. A woman opposite me is screaming in pain, oh man.. haha.
1545 - Dr Joycelyn said dilation only 4cm, need to induce in the end... she say hopefully can deliver at midnight.
1830 - Dilation 4.5cm, damn slow, and I requested for Epidural, the contraction is so strong, come and go, like super cramps.
1845 - Epidural done by lousy anesthetist, i should find out his name next time. Terence noted on book - scream very loud...
2030 - 5cm dilated
2236 - 9cm dilated, and Terence was so happy, thinking delivery will be soon...
2300 - Terence fell asleep and nothing is recorded haha, I was too exhausted, the epidural make me lose all sensation from waist down, I could not even lift my feet.

Midnight came and Dr Joycelyn check on me again, oh dear it is so slow, and I told her i felt nothing at all. She seems shocked that I am not feeling any contraction. So she reduce the epidural from 10 to 3 (stupid anesthetist think I low tolerance of pain just because he did a bad job, jabbing me during contraction, of cos i scream lah). I think the strong anesthetic make me feel nothing thus slow down the contraction. Imagine I only need bar 3, I actually can quite tolerate the contraction.

About 1am to 3am, I was ask to push and push at intervals, I think the midwife worried I will lose all energy and had to let me rest in between.

Near to 3:30am, Dr Joycelyn was talking softly to midwife, apparently baby head turn upwards due to stress, so I am going to have a difficult time pushing. She say she may use assisted deliver - suction or forceps to help me if need to, she say I am actually pushing very well and correctly, just that the head facing upwards make it so difficult.

3:46am, I push and I push and when I almost wanna give up, my girl was pushed out with all my might. Of cause, the Gynae had no mercy to my vagina, the baby is their concerns, I can understand, too long in the womb without amniotic fluid is dangerous. No suction no forceps used. I am really stronger than I thought. Baby poo in womb and need to suck out the shit from her stomach to prevent infection, so poor thing.

1st word to my baby "I'm Sorry." Sorry to stress you inside, sorry to not relax myself during pregnancy, sorry for the long wait, I hope you find the wait to come to this world and become our daughter is worth it, just how daddy and mommy feel the 9months of wait is so worth it. All my pain, heart burn, tiredness, money spend are all worth it, because you are priceless.

This is love, we love you.

The final notice for delivery

3rd December 2009,

I foresee today is the last check up as I am feeling quite tired.
Sure enough my amniotic fluid is drying up and was told to come back on 05 Dec to induce.
Oh man, I am panicking, Terence cannot believe its happen!
I am going to eat whatever I feel like because confinement and breastfeeding will probably hinder me from eating certain food.

Counting down.

37 & 38 Weeks

37 weeks on 23 Nov 2009
38 weeks on 30 Nov 2009

Basically these 2 scans has not been post on blog till later date, reason is we are to busy the last month to delivery.
Buying whatever we need (or don't need), shopping for the sake of shopping, sleep as much as we can.
And my heart burn get worst too.
The scan from every 2 weeks became every week is because Dr Joycelyn is checking whether I have enough Amniotic Fluid to last till week 40. Opps, not much left.

Baby baby daddy mommy is so excited during the last few weeks, feeling her kicks punches every night.

This is love.

36 weeks and group B strep test

On 16 nov, I went for my baby 36weeks old check up. Even though my darling daughter head been down since 32 weeks, she still haven't engage... My gynae Dr jocelyn wong say by right she should engage at 36 weeks, so to deliver by 39 to 40 weeks. Now hopefully she will engage by 37 or 38 weeks lah.

Today, I got a call from clinic, and they told me I got Group B strep infection. I was shocked, partly am still not fully awake. Search the internet for more info and got more scared. Its dangerous for baby if I'm not being treated.

I can take all the pain on myself, be it morning sickness, migrain, heartburn, piles, backache or whatever... But what this GBS, which will affect the baby.

I told my baby sorry today, that I have GBS, I do not know how I got it and do not wish to get it, and hope she is not harm, i pray to god that my baby girl will be safe and healthy, whatever that is no good, just let me have it.

34 weeks

My darling daughter is 34 weeks already, at a good weight of 2.2kg. Hubby and I are always so happy to just see the ultrascan of her, I hope she know inside how much we love her.

Its raining heavily today and after the check up, we just rush home without planning anything like shopping for baby things which we often do after every check up...zzz sleep is what we did haha.

Misc Baby stuff

As usual, after doctor appointment, we will go for baby shopping. We managed to visit a baby clothes shop near Guan Yin temple. The material is not that wonderful maybe the fact that it is cheap. 6 pieces of newborn clothes cost us $11. It stated 100% cotton...hmm..not sure how true it is.... cheap thing dont come good, good thing dont come cheap.

After that, we drove to Marina Square to visit Mothercare. We bought a fitted sheet and newborn clothing again. My MIL suggested us to get a baby bathtub for our gal as our current one is ugly -.- and Ivy wanted to get a floating ducky water thermometer for her too :)

Lastly, we got some free diaper from Mothercare.

These are some other items we got it from Kiddy Palace.

32 weeks - baby's ready, mommy's not.

The night before, Terence and I keep talking to our daughter (imagine 2 adults talking to the tummy), telling her we will be seeing her tomorrow, so do not cover her face with her hands like one of the scan last time.

And very cooperative, she puts her hand on the side as usual, but facing the left. Her head is down now, waiting to engage into the pelvic. Once she is engage, she is ready to come out and see the world. Weight is 1.814kg, legs high up near my ribs kicking me.

But as my title says... she is ready and I am not, I am still so scare.. hahaha.


Both of us were watching this TV show called 只想说声对不起 hosted by Diana Ser. It was the last episode which was her story between her & her baby gal. I must agree that there was some touching moments when i realise how hard to begin pregnant and also how "伟大" a mother can be. I am glad that I sms Ivy asking her not to overwork herself as it can really hurt both herself and the baby. As a husband, I must be very supportive towards her especially during this periods as it is not easy for her to go through this 9 months. You must hold on darling for 2 more months to see our gal gal.

Love you always and thanks for everything

28 week

I seem to be feeling more tired as i hit 3rd trimester. Busy month from shoots, thank god i survived.

Today check up is officially 3rd trimester. Baby weight is 1.38kg and mine is 62.2kg, OMG....her head is below, with feet kicking my ribs, no wonder so pain.

Before check up, i got food poisoning a week ago, called Dr Wong again for advice as i was throwing up buckets of water, diarrhea, kind of not happy when she sound impatient, maybe i call her so late but my urine was reddish plus really bad threw up. I find that she always think no problem, but what if leh?

Also Bern got Shingles, which she said i should call gynea to check if it will affect me cos i was at her place recently, she sound more impatient.....sigh......

Car seat

Today, we went to Baby Hyberstore to shop for our car seat and we decided to get Inglesina Marco Polo ( It cost us $438 after 15% discount.

Check out this video if you would like to know more about it.


After doing some research and discussion, both of us had come to a point where we decided to get our gal a wardrobe instead of a dresser. We went to IKEA today and decided on a customized wardrobe as well as a computer table for myself.

Takashimaya Baby Fair

Today we went to Takashimaya baby fair to look see look see and end up nothing much to buy. However, Anna (Ivy's sis) bought for our baby gal a bumbo chair which was at a very good discount. The bumbo chair together with a tray cost her about $60. I did some testing on the baby carrier. The brand were baby bjorn and LAscal. Lascal looks more secure for me but it was more expensive. The carrier will be pending first as we have still alot of time to do research.

24 weeks

Just once every month checkup. For the whole month, i got constipation till i got to use suppository even email Dr Wong to confirm if can use. Finally got the harden stool out of my rectum but my heartburn is so bad. Oh i did call Dr Wong about my hip pain cos it is so bad. I barely can walk after a few days of pain. I thought i will be bed-ridden.....She assured that it will be fine, it normal.

BTW: look at the scan, my darling girl like to put her hand on her cheek.

weight: 640g is normal weight.

p/s: my piles really serious, finally after Dr Wong take a look, she knows I'm not exaggerating.

20th - detail scan

Today is the most worried day of my life as my baby is doing her detail scan. Both Ivy and myself were waiting patiently and anxiously in the TMC laboratory. Finally, it was our turn for the detail scan, Ivy was first to get into the room for the test. After waited for a few minutes, the nurse called me to go into the room. The moment i entered the room, Ivy shouted to me "Darling, it is a boy" and i replied "那里可能"......she was actually teasing me -.-

Thanks god, all the scans look normal for my girl and both of us can finally let go of the rock in our heart.

(weight of baby at 20 weeks - 318grams, look at last picture on right, she is resting her cheek on her hand)

Baby Stuff

Today, we went to Ivy's sis place to collect some baby stuff from her. They gave us their baby stroller which had only use twice as their baby doesn't want to sit in it. After that, we went to Philips sale to purchase a few things. We gotten another great discount of 40% staff rate as we approached one of their staff who was queuing to pay her stuff. She told her to get the things we wanted and she will use her staff pass to help us get the staff rate.

16th week

This is my baby scan in 16th week. Everything look fine and she is ready for the 20th week detail scan. Dr Wong said most likely is a girl and she said 90% is a girl based on her experience.......hopefully she is right i would prefer my first child to be a girl.

Stockholm Cot bed from Mothercare

We got a good deal for a cot bed in Mothercare at 50% discount ($425). The week before that was selling at $859 with a dresser and I was very tempted to buy but Terence doesn't seem to like the idea of buying it immediately. Luckily, the wait was worth it. Anything above $300 will entitle you a free membership from Mothercare. Membership will be automatically renew annually when you purchase anything above $300 within that year.


Mothers who are giving birth at Thomson Medical centre are strongly advice to sign up for FBI membership as you entitle to many benefits from TMC in future. Do remember to sign up before your OSCAR scan as they will be a 10% discount from the bill.

For more information of FBI, you may visit here.
To download FBI application form, you may get it from here.

The 11th Week - OSCAR

This scan was done after my OSCAR, Dr Joycely Wong say " I wanna see too", so she did a free ultra scan to see the progress herself. I didn't know it is free till I see the bill later.

Quite exciting to see how the little peanut now look more like a baby, I can actually see its hands. And it keep bouncing, Terence was all smile to see the bouncing.

I was still having bad nausea and throwing up. Twice, the migrain is so bad, I threw up all my dinner. Wow, 13rd July, 10 more days, I'll see my baby again. Mix feeling, happy but worried. I hope no problem with my detail scan (20th weeks).

The 8th weeks

2nd Month into my pregnancy, I did nothing but sleep most of the time. My 1st trimester is so terrible, bad morning sickness that I can throw up morning when I wake up, and at night before I sleep. But I will sleep about 11pm, which is so rare for me. I used to sleep like 1am or sometimes 2am. I think Terence had a great time, because he has a lot of free time at night, and his Evony game got tremendous level up during my 1st trimester...

I hate vegetables & fish now, which I used to love, even the sight of raw Salmon at Supermarket will make me nauseous.

Baby - 8 weeks old

How it all begins

Here's bit of history/drama, I got food poisoning when I got back from Bangkok from the oysters & raw prawns I ate. I did not know I was already 4 weeks pregnant when in Bangkok until I came back and had so bad diarrhea, I thought that's what caused my menses to delay hehe.

After 1 week of the diarrhea, I had a week of serious cramps (probably post food poisoning) and due to my cramps, my gynae Dr Jocelyn Wong had ask me to see her before clinic open (I called her on emergency, the cramps was so bad that I cried in pain), my appointment with her was supposed to be when I'm 8 weeks pregnant.

I told her I had taken Imodium, Po Chai Pills, Smecta powder, charcoal & kaolin mixture to stop the food poisoning before I knew I was pregnant. She scan my stomach but nothing, she was as anxious as me and quickly do another scan from the vaginal. WahLa, here's my little baby at 6th week. Dr Wong said, "ar, no worries, you see the small blinking light? Its the heart." And I started to tear, I was so relief, thank god for the blessing.

Baby, so sorry that mommy is so careless, I should have check before indulging myself with all the raw food. And thanks for being so strong.

20.04.2009 - baby 6th week

The day we found out

This blog is specially dedicated to our new member of our family, a baby gal who will be dued in 12th Dec 2009. May god bless her with good health and happiness.