How it all begins

Here's bit of history/drama, I got food poisoning when I got back from Bangkok from the oysters & raw prawns I ate. I did not know I was already 4 weeks pregnant when in Bangkok until I came back and had so bad diarrhea, I thought that's what caused my menses to delay hehe.

After 1 week of the diarrhea, I had a week of serious cramps (probably post food poisoning) and due to my cramps, my gynae Dr Jocelyn Wong had ask me to see her before clinic open (I called her on emergency, the cramps was so bad that I cried in pain), my appointment with her was supposed to be when I'm 8 weeks pregnant.

I told her I had taken Imodium, Po Chai Pills, Smecta powder, charcoal & kaolin mixture to stop the food poisoning before I knew I was pregnant. She scan my stomach but nothing, she was as anxious as me and quickly do another scan from the vaginal. WahLa, here's my little baby at 6th week. Dr Wong said, "ar, no worries, you see the small blinking light? Its the heart." And I started to tear, I was so relief, thank god for the blessing.

Baby, so sorry that mommy is so careless, I should have check before indulging myself with all the raw food. And thanks for being so strong.

20.04.2009 - baby 6th week

The day we found out

This blog is specially dedicated to our new member of our family, a baby gal who will be dued in 12th Dec 2009. May god bless her with good health and happiness.